English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) and Elections

I. Welcome/Call to Order Myrna Tovar- Beresewicz 
 (EL Designee)

II. Flag Salute Sandra Portillo (president)
III. Roll Call Rosario Lopez (Secretary)
IV. Public coment Sandra Portillo 
V. Minutes (Action item) Myrna Tovar-Beresewicz
Approve Minutes From Election
VI. Unfinished Business (Action item) Myrna Tovar-Beresewicz
• Finish establishing the ELAC committee. 
Vote in new members and elect a Vice President. (must be EL parent)
• Vote regarding ELAC meetings being held in person or hybrid.
VII. Presentation: PowerPoint Myrna Tovar-Beresewicz 
• ELAC officers’ responsibilities
• ELAC member's responsibilities 
• ELAC Bylaws
VIII. Announcements Myrna Tovar-Beresewicz
Decide when the next ELAC meeting will take place.
 IX. Adjournment Sandra Portillo