Forms » Payroll Forms

Payroll Forms

Absences due to:
  1. Your own personal illness, injury, medical appointment
  2. Workers’ compensation absences
  3. Illness, injury, medical appointment of your immediate family member
  4. Pregnancy related illness / parental leave
**Download and complete all sections of the absence certification.  Any section left blank will be returned.  Attach verification if required.**
  • All other absences not related to illness, including on-campus meetings that require coverage, professional development, and field trips.
  • For absences due to meetings, PD, or field trips, select option "M", identify as "Meeting" / "PD" / "Field Trip" and provide explanation of meeting/location
  • Reasons must be covered under your bargaining agreement.  Go to Payroll Information tab to see if your absence qualifies for personal necessity.
**Download and complete all sections of the absence certification.  Any section left blank will be returned.  Some absences may require you to upload verification for your absence**